Now accepting NEW Occupational Therapy Patients
Ask your doctor for a referral to Wendell Foster today.
Occupational Therapy department has access to state of the art equipment and facilities including a sensory room, suspended equipment and assistive technology.
Children and adults receive a comprehensive evaluation which includes person and family centered goals. Therapeutic intervention is provided to address the underlying components that are limiting an individual from participating in their everyday activities of daily living.
- Deep physical agent modalities (electrical stimulation, ultrasound, etc.)
- Upper extremity splinting/casting/kinesiotaping
- Psychosocial skills training
- Neurodevelopmental intervention
- Cognitive/learning skills training
- Activities of daily living/self-help skills training
- Pre-vocational and vocational skills training
- Assistive technology
- Adaptive equipment for use during activities of daily living, leisure, etc.
- Client-centered, individualized home programming and education for client and family/caregivers
- Cognitive/learning skills training
- Coordination and strengthening
- Feeding and oral motor intervention
- Fine motor skill development
- Instrumental activities of daily living skills training
- TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
- SCI (Spinal Cord Injury) Parkinson’s
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Muscular Dystrophy
- CVA (Cerebral Vascular Accident/Stroke)
- Cerebral Palsy