Most people enjoy riding bicycles. For those with disabilities, the sport can be a challenge . . .
Person Centered Stories
The Person Centered approach is about ensuring someone with a disability is at the centre of decisions which relate to their life. A person centred process involves listening, thinking together, coaching, sharing ideas, and seeking feedback.
Looking for fame and fortune
For a couple of years now, Michael Lindsey — better known as Mikey — has chased fame.
Rachel Hubbard; 2019 Employee of the Year!
Rachel has been with Wendell Foster for a little over a year now and in that short period of time has proven herself quite the team player.
Something to talk about
It is just another typical start of a day. You wake up, look at your daily calendar, check email and social media, maybe have a cup of coffee and breakfast, and your day begins. As with every other day, unless you aren’t a morning person, you talk.
Beyond Cerebral Palsy
For many years, Wendell Foster was thought of as a therapeutic residential community for people diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 1 in 323 children has been identified with CP.
Expanding the Person Centered Role
Wendell Foster is taking another step in becoming more person centered by adding a new position to its team. more: Expanding the Person Centered Role
Wendell Foster creates area’s first Aktion Club
On December 12, 2018, Wendell Foster started the area’s first Aktion Club. Aktion Club is one of the Kiwanis family’s Service Leadership Programs and the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide. more: Wendell Foster creates area’s first Aktion Club