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A Day at the Farm

Today started out pretty much like any other.  I started reminding Noah as soon as he woke up of an event we had been planning on attending. We were heading to The Family SEEDS Fall Fest.

Something to talk about

It is just another typical start of a day. You wake up, look at your daily calendar, check email and social media, maybe have a cup of coffee and breakfast, and your day begins. As with every other day, unless you aren’t a morning person, you talk.

more: Something to talk about

Foster starts local chapter

Go Baby Go hopes to adapt toy cars for special needs children 

By Renee Beasley Jones Messenger-Inquirer

Five-year-old Hannah Hudson watched her mom drag a decked-out pink Jeep through a wide door way at Wendell Foster, where Hannah attends therapy sessions. 

more: Foster starts local chapter